Liberal Arts
The term "liberal arts" refers to many diverse fields of study such as literature, drama, history, sociology, rhetoric, speech, political science and the humanities. The oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education in America built their reputations around the excellence of their offerings in the liberal arts and coursework in this class of disciplines is still a cornerstone of any baccalaureate program.
Graduates seeking Associate of Arts degrees in Liberal Arts are academically prepared to pursue study in any discipline, and accordingly, the AA in Liberal Arts from LSCO articulates with all baccalaureate programs. After completing varying degrees of education, liberal arts degree graduates are widely recruited into myriad career paths—business and management, education, journalism and technical writing, sales and marketing, psychology and the law are a few of the more popular choices.
Program Description
In addition to the core curriculum, the Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts requires completion of 18 hours of credit in a discipline or combination of disciplines determined by the student in consultation with a faculty advisor, for a total of 60 credit hours. This flexibility in the degree plan makes the AA in Liberal Arts an attractive option for students who have changed majors or who needed to explore various possibilities before deciding on a major field of study.
The faculty who teach in the Liberal Arts areas hold advanced degrees from major universities, are highly decorated for teaching and professional excellence, publish widely and in various fields, and perform important leadership roles on the campus and in the local communities of our service area.