Dental Assisting Society Bylaws
Article I: Lamar Orange Dental Assisting Society (L.O.D.A.S)
Article II: Purpose
Section 1: To provide an organization to students interested in the field of dental assisting. Also to promote community leadership and academic excellence.
Section 2:
To stimulate interest in education and other dental related fields.To provide students with a component by which they might participate in LSC-O activities.To serve as tool of communication between LSC-O.
Article III: Membership
Section 1: Members are required to attend a minimum of TWO Student Government meetings per semester.
Section II: Membership is open to all current LSC-O Dental Assisting students.
Article IV: Officers, Duties & Terms
Section I: The officers of the organization is consisted of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Historian.
Section II: Officer Elections will be held each semester by majority vote who chose to do so.
President: Must preside over all meetings and has authority to call special meetings.
Vice President: Uphold the duties of the President in a leave of absence or at request
of the President, and to represent the society to other student organizations.
Secretary: Records business discussed during the societies' meetings as well as provide
the minutes.
Treasurer: Keep up-to-date records of all monetary transactions made by the society.
Historian: Photograph events that the society participates in.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Meetings of the society will be held weekly. The President will set the dates, time and place of the meetings at the beginning of the semester.
Section 2: All society officers and members are required to attend a majority of the meetings.
Article VI: Finances
Section 1: Financial expenditures of the organizations' money shall be authorized by a majority of members at a meeting previous to the expenditure.
Article VII: Amendments to the By-Laws
These by-laws may be changed (amended or repealed) at any regular or called meeting of the LSC-O LODAS. Proposed changes shall be presented in writing at a regular meeting. A majority vote of those present will be sufficient to approve changes and/or amendments.
Last Updated 10/24/2012