Career Assessment

Career development exams are offered to assist students who want to explore career alternatives. The Lamar State College Orange Testing Center offers the newest in valid and reliable career assessment instruments. Two such instruments are the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) Career Report and the Strong Interest Inventory (SII). The tests are administered on computer, and a student profile is available at the conclusion of the session. Students may see a counselor at the Advising and Counseling Center for an explanation of the results.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  • Assesses the student's personality type and identifies occupations most often selected by people with the same MBTI type as the student
  • Graphically displays and briefly describes the student's preference scores
  • Lists the 50 most popular occupations for the student's type
  • Requires approximately 30 minutes to complete
  • Administered by appointment
  • Cost: $15.

Strong Interest Inventory

  • Assesses the student's interests, not abilities
  • Requires approximately 45 minutes to complete
  • Administered by appointment
  • Cost: $11.

Contact Info

LSCO Testing Center

For more information, please contact:

Phone: (409) 882-3330

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