Tuition Rebate

$1,000 Tuition Rebate for Certain Undergraduates

Program Purpose

To provide a financial incentive for students to complete their bachelor's degree with as few courses outside the degree plan as possible. Minimizing the number of courses taken by students, results in financial savings to the students, parents and the state.

Who can apply?

Individuals who:

  • Took their first college course in Fall 1997 or later;
  • Are Texas residents;
  • Have taken all coursework at Texas public institutions of higher education; and
  • Have been entitled to pay in-state tuition at all time while pursuing his or her degree.

Key Eligibility Requirements

Students qualify for the $1,000 rebate if they have attempted no more than three semester credit hours in excess of the minimum number of hours required for their degree. For example, a student who completes a bachelor's degree that requires 120 credit hours in 123 hours or less may qualify for this rebate.

What could disqualify an individual?

Attempted hours include every course, for which the student has registered, as of the official Census Date, in every semester, including: developmental courses, repeated courses and courses from which the student withdraws. If you have dropped more than one course after the official Census Date, you may not qualify for the rebate.

All credit earned by examination used to be counted, as well. However, because of a recent change in the law, the first nine (9) hours of credit earned by examination (credit earned on the basis of AP courses, CLEP or credit granted by high SAT or ACT scores) does not count as hours attempted. Dual credit courses-courses taken in high school for both high school and college credit-continue to count as hours attempted.

Where may the awards be used?

The award applies only to public universities in the state of Texas.

How much can be awarded?


How large is the program?

1,892 students received a rebate in 2002-2003. (Note: 2003-2004 data is not yet available.)

How can I apply?

Students must apply for the tuition rebate PRIOR to receiving their bachelor's degree, using forms provided by their college or university.

Where can I get additional information?

For additional information, logon to: to find the college or university to which you plan to transfer and find the list of contacts.

Learn more about $1,000 Tuition Rebate for Certain Undergraduates

Texas Education Coordinating Board Rules, Chapter 13, Subchapter E.

Contact Info

Financial Aid

For more information, please contact:

Phone: (409) 882-3317
Ron E. Lewis Library, Room 355

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